Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A new leaf

So I have decided that I need to start posting on my blog more than I have been doing. I normally wait until I have a new cute picture of Madison to post, and I don't take many pictures unless something special is going on. We all know that this does not happen all the time, and lately I have not even been posting the pictures when they do come. I am hoping to now not only post when I have a cute picture to put up, but also when Madison dose those things that are just so cute I have to tell everyone.
With that said I have a cute story. Last night Madison was sitting in my lap and pointing to something she wanted. I looked over, saw her sippy cup and assumed that was what she wanted. "No!" she tells me "hello." I look over again and see my phone. She wanted my phone, which she has appropriately re-named hello.


  1. I'm so happy you found me! I've been wondering what's gone on in your life!!

  2. And I fully support posting at times w/o a picture cause it will help you remember the cute things in weeks to come! I go through my posts ever so often and realize how many things Maddie has done that I've already forgotten about but are super cute.

  3. Maren,
    I have been trying to email you but it won't go through. I must have your address down wrong. Email me so I can email you pics of our little man, he arrived last Tuesday! My email is
