Sunday, April 19, 2009

Get Off the Phone

I have seen some weird things since California outlawed the use of cell phones while driving. When the law first became active cell phone use dropped, like expected, but people are now getting careless and finding new ways to use their cell while driving. Two weeks ago I saw a lady driving, on the freeway, with her left hand on the steering wheel, her right hand holding her phone to her ear, and the passenger leaning over and using her right hand to help steer. Then this last week, on the freeway again, I saw a man driving in the fast lane, going 40 mph, with his blinkers on talking on his phone. A few seconds later he passed me going full speed, blinkers off and cell down. If people think these precautions will keep them from getting a ticket, they are truly stupid. I would like to also applaud the countless number of cars I have seen pull off the road to talk on their phones, we need more people like you in this world. If you are in too much of a hurry make sure you have a hands free device with you, you normally get one for free when you buy a phone, think people.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Maren!!! People, phones and cars are a bad combination.

